Ghanaians Advised to Prioritise Their Overall health, Life-style

Ghanaians have been encouraged to prioritise their overall health by currently being cautious of their way of living, specially what they eat.

This would assistance them lengthen their lifespan and avert any overall health problems at any position in their lives.

The advice was presented by wellbeing professionals and other stakeholders at the women’s wellbeing and wellness fairin Accra, very last Monday. It was organised by the Coronary heart Initial Help Africa, a United States (US) primarily based non-governmental organisation (NGO).

The truthful provided ladies the prospect to get free well being screening and counselling on some well being connected issues.

Matters talked about included hormonal adjustments, heart attacks, cervical most cancers, diabetic issues, Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and menopause.

There was also a demonstration of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), an unexpected emergency treatment that can aid help save a person’s daily life if their respiration or coronary heart stopped.

MsAlimaToure, Founder, Coronary heart 1st Aid Africa and a Public Wellness Officer in an job interview with the Ghanaian Moments explained the truthful was to teach and handle the concerns of persons on the overall health similar concerns talked over.

“This is us bringing these information to the local community to have an open dialogue so that if they have any problems or questions we respond to them or refer them to correct health care companies,” she point out.

Ms Toureindicated the require for all and sundry to be worry about their wellbeing and consider seriously the wellness info staying offered.

She said the health and fitness screening which were on checking people’s blood stress and oxygen stages was for the detection of any attainable or impending health and fitness implications for assistance or referrals to the correct wellbeing treatment centres.

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